Spine surgery is a marathon not a sprint

recovery from spine surgery @ Willow-Townsend ProductionsWe’re finally on the other side of major surgery for my son, and the good news from the doctor is he’s doing fine and the procedure went well. The headline of this post is inspired by this image. Mother and son, exhausted after 30 hours at the hospital (and counting). Both look as if they have run a marathon and they have in different ways, but we’re nowhere near the finish line. Continue reading

My son needs surgery not ‘sit-up-straight’ reminders

x-ray © Willow-Townsend ProductionsI can’t guess at the number of times I barked at my son, “Sit up straight!” I did it at least twice every time we sat down for dinner. And every time, he pushed himself up to the back of his chair to gain my approval. Those dinner-time reminders would start to haunt me in the early summer when we learned the reason behind it all. Continue reading