Merry Christmas! 10 reasons why we’re so thankful

Christmas tree (c) Willow-Townsend ProductionsAs the “Yule Log” crackles and burns on the flat screen television and the accompanying holiday music streams from the speakers, I thought I’d take a moment to share a few things we’re thankful for here in what my wife calls the Man Cave.

First and foremost is our oldest son, who made it out of major surgery just 10 days ago and is well on the way to recovery. He’s in pain, but he’s getting around much better. (Read more about his diagnosis, surgery and initial few days back at home.) We are so thankful for his healing and for all of the support and prayers from family and friends.

Equally at the top of the list is our youngest son, who’s survived his own trials this year, including Whooping Cough, a knee injury similar to Osgood-Schlatter disease and starting high school. He’s made it through all of the above and is getting nearly all A’s and played his first season of JV football.

I can’t tell you how thankful I am for my lovely wife. She’s been a rock during this very unsettling year. Not only has she more than lived up to her roles as wife and mother, but she’s also inherited the mantle of sole bread winner of the family. It’s put an amazing amount of stress on her, but she has managed amazingly. She’s never given up on me through my lay off and my quest for a new career. Tomorrow is our anniversary and while we can’t afford a huge celebration, it will be a very special day, even if it is just hanging out with the kids. (We do plan a major celebration once I land in a new gig to make up for the lean anniversary and our recent birthdays.)

We’re also thankful for (in no particular order):

  • Finding a Christmas tree (see the image at the top). It was hard, but not as difficult as last year.
  • Getting our car shipped here from Seattle! Long Island without a ride was no fun.
  • Visits with our fun family! Arizona, Rhode Island and those brave enough to come to us!
  • Food Network for re-inspiring my love to cook (giving me much needed distractions from – well you know).
  • Having a father-in-law who’s a retired orthopedic surgeon (he spotted my son’s spine condition).
  • Health insurance. Yeah. Thanks, COBRA.

And finally, we‘re thankful for you. Family, friends, coworkers, bosses, former colleagues, former bosses and everyone who touches our lives on Twitter and Facebook. We’ve felt your support in this very challenging year. I’m often surprised by who has leaped forward with words of encouragement and outright helpful, and often, unsolicited acts of kindness. (I’m equally surprised at those who have been silent and unresponsive, but that’s another post.)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas! 10 reasons why we’re so thankful

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